


STEM教育博士学位 is designed for those who seek to increase their competence in a selected area of STEM education (e.g., 科学教育, 数学教育, 教育技术), including competence in a particular STEM field (science, 技术, 工程, 数学). Recipients gain appropriate knowledge and skills for teaching, 监督, Research, 以及高等教育中的行政职位, including college and university STEM Education programs, and programs in STEM fields in community and state colleges, 文理学院, 和大学.

There are three primary specializations within the PhD in STEM Education program: Science Education, 数学教育, 和教育技术.


入学 to this PhD program requires completion of a Master's degree. 课程要求包括完成:

  • 主要技术领域(MTA), with 21 graduate credits in a STEM field beyond the Bachelor's degree; and
  • a minimum of 42 credits of PhD coursework and Research.

除了, Master's graduates who have a strong background in their content field because of their Bachelor's degree and graduate coursework have been admitted into this PhD program. 例如, doctoral students with a background and interest in Environmental Education have pursued their PhD studies in Science Education.

Although it is advisable that Master's students seeking to pursue a PhD complete a Research experience, students with non-thesis Research experience have been allowed to pursue PhD study in STEM Education.


There are three phases of study in this PhD program:

  • 第一阶段包括课程作业, both for the MTA requirement and in educational theories and trends, Research, 和统计数据. The coursework in Phase 1 is designed to broaden and deepen students' knowledge in their STEM field and in education, 以及准备他们的论文Research. Upon completion of the coursework, PhD students take their doctoral comprehensive exams.
  • Phase 2 involves the development and defense of a Research proposal, with guidance from your major advisor and committee. The preparation and defense of a proposal ensures that each student is able to translate their knowledge into a coherent and feasible Research plan.
  • Phase 3 involves carrying out all aspects of the proposed study, 收集和准备数据, 运行分析, 完成论文并进行答辩. 学生 enhance their understanding of what goes into the conduct and reporting of educational Research in an area of STEM education.

Typically, Phases 1 - 3 require at least four years of full-time effort, but can require more time.

The knowledge and experience gained in this program are useful to graduates as teachers, Research的消费者, Research人员, 以及Research顾问.


The PhD program in STEM Education is designed to emphasize coursework and Research; unlike Bachelor's and Master's degrees, 它不包括实习机会. 然而, 教育理论课程, Research, 统计学让学生参与到项目中来, 这些都可以像学生们希望的那样真实. MTA的课程通常包括实验和实地考察.

除了, although dissertation studies usually emphasize theory and Research, many PhD students also design their study to address needs within a particular area of educational practice.


在这个项目的教师中, Dr. 托马斯Marcinkowski 已经收到Walter E. Jeske Award (2010) and the award for Outstanding Contributions to Research in Environmental Education (1994), both from the North American Association for Environmental Education. 他的重点是评估, 评价, and Research studies in the areas of environmental literacy, 负责任的环保行为, 环境质量. He has been involved in the development of assessment tools in these areas and, 更一般的, 在项目评估Research中.

萨曼莎·福勒 has received the Outstanding Position Paper Award (2013) from Southeastern Association for Science Teacher Education. She focuses on socio-scientific reasoning - how the general public uses scientific information in their day-to-day lives and how policy-makers use scientific evidence in their decisions. She is currently Researching how social media effects socio-scientific reasoning, 特别是在有争议的问题上. She also explores the effectiveness of new pedagogy styles in lecture and laboratory classes.


This PhD degree is not designed to help doctoral students satisfy credentialing requirements - that is undertaken at the Bachelor's and Master's levels. 然而, from both an occupational and a professional perspective, one of the benefits of completing a PhD is to become more competitive career-wise, which is vital in today's challenging job environment. The Research background and experience students gain in this PhD program adds depth to their teaching, and provides them with insights that aid them in their future Research and Research advisory work.
