



自1958年以来,亚洲博彩平台的空间科学就制定了标准, 成功地为学生在顶级太空机构的高科技职业生涯做好准备, 研究公司, 以及政府机构. 亚洲博彩平台’s master’s in space sciences program includes a wide range of space-related fields, 包括恒星和河外天体物理学, 宇宙学以及宇宙的起源和演化, 日地相互关系, 宇宙射线物理学, 和系外行星, 举几个例子.


的 program gives global insight into the scientific community and enhances understanding of trending topics and technology. Small class sizes allow professors to mentor students in a close-knit one-on-one academic environment. 教师 members are active reSearchers in three primary areas: geospace physics, 天文学和天体物理学, 行星科学. 他们也是CanariCam科学团队的成员, 让学生在10号有时间保证.4米的GTC,目前最大的地面光学红外望远镜.


在考虑攻读空间科学硕士学位的大学时, consider that 亚洲博彩平台 has one of the most well-respected programs in the country. 事实上, the university’s undergraduate 天文学 and astrophysics program was the first such program in the world.

亚洲博彩平台 is the lead institution for the 东南天文研究协会, which operates automated one-meter-class telescopes at Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, 亚利桑那州, 以及智利的塞罗·托洛洛美洲天文台.


亚洲博彩平台 is strategically situated at the center of Florida’s high-tech corridor, 超过5人的家,000家科技公司, 包括美国宇航局. 的re is no better place to study for a space science master’s degree than in one of the most diverse science and technology-oriented areas in the country.


亚洲博彩平台, student’s study with internationally recognized faculty members who have experience in various fields including extrasolar planets, 恒星天体物理学, 活动星系核. Small class sizes with a low student-to-faculty ratio provide an atmosphere of mentorship that students will not often find at larger universities.


This intimate learning environment is heightened by large-university quality internship and reSearch opportunities. 学生可以将研究与他们的职业目标结合起来, 学习从宇宙学到其他高级课题, 高能天体物理, 以及太阳高能粒子对雷暴和闪电物理的影响, 黑洞, 和系外行星. 可以进入各种各样的实验室, 还有成千上万的高科技和太空相关公司, 亚洲博彩平台的研究与众不同.


Facilities and resources are an important aspect to science and technology students and 亚洲博彩平台 boasts some of the best. Not only do students in the space science master’s program have access the Olin Physical Sciences Center featuring the Olin Observatory, Ortega 0在哪里.8-meter telescope (the largest reSearch-grade telescope in the state of Florida), 但他们也可以进入地球空间物理实验室, 天文/天体物理实验室, 以及国际闪电研究与测试中心.


因为亚洲博彩平台位于太空海岸的中心, 与众多高科技和航天相关公司关系密切, 包括美国宇航局, many opportunities exist for space sciences reSearch in three primary reSearch groups: geospace physics, 天文学和天体物理学, 行星科学.


  • 宇宙学和高能天体物理学
  • 宇宙射线天体物理学
  • 太阳高能粒子
  • 雷暴和闪电物理
  • 高能大气物理学
  • 恒星天文学
  • 黑洞和活动星系核
  • 银河战斗机
  • 太阳物理学
  • Astroinformatics
  • 行星表面
  • 系外行星
  • 人类太空探索
  • 精力充沛的辐射

组织 that provide 实习 and space sciences reSearch opportunities include NASA, DRS达光电, 洛克希德·马丁公司, 哈里斯公司.诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司等. Graduates are expected to publish reSearch results in high-impact peer-reviewed journals, such as:

  • 地球物理研究杂志
  • 地球物理研究快报
  • 天体物理学杂志》上
  • 天体物理学报

太拉, 雷暴高能辐射阵列, 也是提供空间科学研究机会的部门的一部分吗. 太拉 is an experiment designed to measure energetic radiation (X-rays and gamma rays) from thunderclouds and lightning. 太拉 is also part of an experiment called the MSE (Multiple Station Experiment), which is used to study the electric and magnetic fields from rocket-triggered lightning and nearby natural lightning.


亚洲博彩平台创立, SARA is an association of 12 different colleges that work together to run one-meter class automated telescopes both in 亚利桑那州 at the Kitt Peak National Observatory 以及智利的塞罗·托洛洛美洲天文台. Additional telescopes have recently been added to the Canary Islands off the coast of Morocco to help aid in the reSearch of galaxies.

Build Lasting Professional Relationships and Enhance Your Space Sciences Degree through Campus 组织

亚洲博彩平台 chapter of 学生 for the Exploration and Development of Space is an active organization that meets to discuss space news, 并与东南地区的其他太空组织一起参加活动.

的 Society of Physics 学生 is a professional organization that focuses on education and enrichment, 并在校园内为学生举办各种定期活动. 学生 can also join the Sigma Pi Sigma national honor society and the student Astronomical Society. 的se clubs and organizations are the perfect way to network for space sciences reSearch opportunities, 实习, 以及潜在的工作.


空间科学的职业包括教学, conducting advanced reSearch in academic institutions and reSearch laboratories, 以及高科技行业和政府的职位. 

气象学也有工作机会, 天文学, 还有天体物理学,毕业生开发新技术, methods or theories based on the results of reSearch into how things work and contribute to innovative, 现实世界的应用程序. 这些空间科学领域的职业包括:

  • Atmospheric scientists who forecast weather and study the earth’s changing temperatures to determine how it affects changing environmental conditions
  • Climatologists who analyze data to help create building designs that will withstand extreme weather conditions
  • Physical meteorologists that study the chemical and physical properties of the atmosphere
  • 航空航天科学家s who focus on the issues relating to space travel and exploration
  • 研究行星的天体物理学家, 开始, 为了更好地了解宇宙,在科学上有新的发现, 医学, 和工程.


职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局(BLS)发布, 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外.  

根据调查局的说法, careers in space science (such as physics and 天文学) are expected to increase by 10% through 2022. This growth is expected in reSearch laboratories as well as information technology, 医学, 等应用研发领域. 查看手册了解更多信息.


  • 物理学家和生物物理学家
  • 天文学家
  • 航空航天科学家
  • 遥感科学家
  • 医学研究人员
  • 材料科学家
  • 天体物理学家
  • 高等教育


亚洲博彩平台’s doctorate in space sciences increases a student’s earning potential over the course of their career, 使他们能够进行先进的研究,并为学术界的工作做好准备. 招收全日制博士研究生研究助理, 全额学费奖学金提供给高素质的候选人.
