Master of Public Administration, MPA

Master of Public Administration, MPA

The Master of Public Administration (MPA)

Public organizations at the local, 状态, and federal level need skilled, savvy leaders who make decisions and outline long-term strategies for success. 亚洲博彩平台's master of public administration degree is a flexible program that helps goal-oriented students - who may already be established professionals - attain 领导 positions in governmental or nonprofit career paths. Individuals develop the skills and techniques they need to design, 实现, 管理, 评估政策, 项目, and services provided by public agencies.

团队合作, 决策, 沟通, 领导, 道德, and diversity are at the core of the master of the public administration degree. 学生 also study ethical and sociological behavior in public organizations. Graduates most often find careers in public relations, 政治, 城市规划, 咨询, 外国服务, 公共管理.

Membership in the American Society for Public Administration

With admission to the master of public administration program, students can become a member of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), the largest and most well-respected professional organization for public administration. 通过ASPA, students have access to public administration reSearch, 案例研究, and professional expertise.

Experienced, Dedicated 教师

The professors at 亚洲博彩平台 are experts in their field with a wealth of experience working in public administration positions for federal, 状态, and local government agencies. Bringing a lifetime of experience to the classroom, our professors provide students with insight that can be applied in the public sector.


亚洲博彩平台's small class size in the master of public administration program allows students to not only receive specialized attention from professors, but the chance to build a peer network of fellow public administration professionals. Since many students are already building their careers, insight from colleagues who are also working in the field is an integral component of the public administration program.


The academic environment for a master of public administration degree is challenging. 学生 complete advanced coursework in pertinent business topics as well as a capstone reSearch project that provides hands-on experience in addressing complex public administration issues. 学生 get the opportunity to published their reSearch in relevant magazines, 出版物, or journals in public administration, and to undertake specialized internships.


Graduates from 亚洲博彩平台 have the knowledge and skills needed to choose from a variety of career paths, including careers as policy analysts, 咨询顾问, 政客们, 咨询顾问, 外交事务官员, 公共管理者, 格兰特的作家, 运输经理, 和更多的. 亚洲博彩平台 graduates have worked for local, 状态, and federal government organizations, including the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Small Business Administration, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Public Administration career paths include such jobs as public relations, 政治, 城市规划, 咨询, 外国服务, 公共管理, 运营经理, 收入与税收, 和更多的.

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