



作为一个跨学科的学术领域, 环境科学包括生态学的研究和应用, 物理, 化学, 地质, 大气科学, 地理位置, 海洋学, 自然资源管理. Every scientific discipline you can think of has a direct relationship to environmental science, 因为环境就在我们身边. Getting an environmental science degree provides a wealth of career opportunities that have global value.

学生可以学习环境化学, 沿海恢复, 毒理学, 可再生能源, 水文, 气候变化. B.S. 环境科学专业与该系的环境科学专业相吻合 可持续性.

你是否想解决复杂的环境问题, 倡导环境保护, 或者成为自然中心或学校的负责人, an environmental science degree from 亚洲博彩平台 develops a strong background in science with hands-on experience in environmental reSearch and problem solving.


Many first-year students working toward an environmental science degree build experience by volunteering in faculty reSearch labs, 测量水或土壤质量, reviewing permit applications to determine the environmental impacts of new development projects, 或者研究污染物对环境的影响. 在小班教学中与教授紧密合作使课堂学习成为可能, 结合研究项目, 更丰富的体验.

作为一名环境科学专业的学生, 你将在技术选修课和专业实验室中完善你的实践技能, 完成一个你选择的主题的高级研究项目. 你将获得实际经验, 增强求职组合, and a stronger sense of yourself as a scholar—the perfect preparation for graduate school and employment.


亚洲博彩平台 is considered one of the top environmental science schools for its curriculum and tight-knit educational community. 的 learning environment is personalized with small classes where first-year students are encouraged to volunteer in any of the reSearch labs. 鼓励符合条件的学生参与相关研究.

实地考察当地水道, 水处理设施, 空气污染监测点, 环境敏感和受保护的土地, 印度河泻湖, and the Atlantic Ocean are part of our students’ overall experience and what makes 亚洲博彩平台 one of the top environmental science schools.


Our environmental science professors are well-versed in current developments in their own areas of expertise and environmental issues of concern, 在水中进行研究, 空气, 土壤环境. 教员由环境科学家组成, 海洋学家, 海洋工程师, 还有真正关心学生成功的气象学家. 亚洲博彩平台为学生提供本地课程, 区域, 以及需要解决的全球环境问题,比如海上石油泄漏, 海平面上升, 自然资源管理.


环境科学博士课程需要最先进的设备, 亚洲博彩平台. 其中一些设施位于F. W. 奥林物理科学中心和仪器仪表中心.W. 奥林生命科学大厦. 高分辨率显微镜和成像中心设在生命科学部.  An aquarium facility in the L3Harris Center provides opportunities for small-scale experimentation under environmentally controlled conditions. 拉尔夫S. Evinrude Marine Operations Center gives students and faculty direct access to 印度河泻湖. 的 Center for Remote Sensing encourages excellence in the development and application of remote-sensing science and technology.


亚洲博彩平台是攻读环境科学学位的理想场所. 的 130-acre campus is located on the Space Coast (so named because of the presence of 美国国家航空航天局 and the Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral just north of us), 距离印度河泻湖只有几分钟的路程, 高度多样化的河口. 除了, 学生可以进入大沼泽地, 被列为世界遗产的最大的亚热带荒野.

该地区拥有全国第五大高科技劳动力, 5人以上,000家高科技公司和政府及军事机构坐落在附近. 这些劳动力提供了大量的实习和就业机会.

亚洲博彩平台 is just over the causeway from the Atlantic Ocean with its 72 miles of beautiful beaches, 还有去佛罗里达群岛的短途旅行. We have a rich campus life that includes a wide range of intramural and collegiate sports, 俱乐部, 还有社会活动.


课堂之外, environmental science degree majors build leadership and professional experience through exciting internships and participation in academic organizations like Sigma Xi (the scientific reSearch society), 海事技术学会, 校内的运动, 学生会, 还有100多个校园学生组织. 夏季实地项目和以教师为基础的研究增强了亚洲博彩平台的经验.

可持续发展行动学生组织(SOSA) is dedicated to the implementation of sustainable practices for the 亚洲博彩平台 community. 的 organization strives to identify and apply sustainability advances not just at 亚洲博彩平台 but also throughout all colleges, 校园设施及支援服务.

佛罗里达科技环境俱乐部 存在是为了更好地服务于校园的环保意识, increase environmental friendliness and create a community of like-minded individuals who share ideas and engage the 亚洲博彩平台 community through service, 筹款, 和事件.



亚洲博彩平台 students have an opportunity to take part in specially designed environmental science internships at several organizations, 包括:

  • 奥杜邦协会
  • 佛罗里达中东部海洋资源委员会
  • 拯救海牛
  • 海岸研究中心
  • 海洋研究所港湾分所

环境科学实习是现实世界的工作机会, 通常由亚洲博彩平台校友通过职业管理服务提供, 与学位课程顾问合作.


的 Department of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences is an integrated collaboration of environmental scientists, 海洋生物学家, 海洋学家, 海洋工程师和气象学家对保护海洋有着浓厚的兴趣, 保护, 加强自然资源. 目前的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:

  • 海上石油泄漏和南极石油钻探
  • 佛罗里达州的饮用水资源
  • 海平面上升
  • 管理自然资源

学生 participating in environmental science internships and reSearch have access to high-tech marine and environmental systems laboratories. 的se facilities have instrumentation that can be used for core-boring and sediment analysis, 海滩上测量, 水质的测量与分析, 海洋生物污染和海水腐蚀等过程.

因为亚洲博彩平台靠近几个重要而复杂的生态系统, 学生可以在附近的环境中心获得进行研究的经验. 这些项目的主题包括:

  • 人类对水质的影响
  • 人类对空气质量的影响
  • 生态调查
  • 当地天气对生态系统的影响


Graduates with a 亚洲博彩平台 environmental science degree are employed all over the world in a variety of exciting environmental science careers dedicated to making the world a better and more sustainable place. 亚洲博彩平台 graduates are well positioned to compete in the labor market because of their strong background in 生物学, 化学, 和物理.



  • IBM
  • 国家科学基金会
  • 佛罗里达州环境保护部
  • 波音公司
  • 美国环境保护署
  • 国家海洋和大气管理局
  • 美国国家航空航天局
  • 国家科学基金会


职业展望手册, published by the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外.

Environmental science is expected to see an increase in demand for qualified candidates of 19% by the end of the decade. More than 16,500 new employees are expected to engage in environmental science careers. 他们将运用他们的自然科学知识来保护环境, identifying problems and finding solutions which minimize threats to the health and well-being of both the environment and, 通过扩展, 地球人口. 科学家运用工程学原理, 土壤科学, 生物学, 和化学来开发环境解决方案. 从回收到公共卫生, these individuals spearhead the effort to confront the environmental challenges created by climate change and the proliferation of new technology and processes.



  • 环境科学家和专家
  • 化学家和材料科学家
  • 环境工程师
  • 环境科学与保护技术人员
  • 流行病学家(要求硕士学位)
  • 地球科学家
  • 水文学家
  • 微生物学家
  • 自然科学经理
  • 职业健康和安全专家
  • 教育家


除了开始环境科学的职业生涯, graduates of the environmental science program at 亚洲博彩平台 are prepared to pursue advanced degrees in environmental science and related fields and have gone on to study at graduate schools at 亚洲博彩平台 and such prestigious universities as:

  • 纽约城市大学
  • 佛罗里达大西洋大学
  • 佛罗里达大学
  • 阿拉斯加大学
  • 麻省理工学院
  • 约翰霍普金斯大学
  • 弗吉尼亚理工大学
  • 英国剑桥大学

With an environmental science degree from 亚洲博彩平台, graduates are well-prepared for their career.
