

Work Toward 董事会认证助理行为分析师® (BCaBA®) Certification with 亚洲博彩平台

亚洲博彩平台’s Assistant Behavior Analyst Graduate Certificate program provides students with a first-rate, 全面发展的, 在线教育经历. This program is suited for individuals who have already obtained an undergraduate degree but would like to specialize in behavior analysis. 的 BCaBA® certificate curriculum is comprised of 16 credits in courses verified by the 国际行为分析协会(ABAI) and meets BACB® coursework requirements for certification at the BCaBA® level. As of January 1, 2022, students have two pathways for applying for BCaBA® certification. 每个途径都需要一个学位, behavior-analytic内容, 监督现场, 并通过BCaBA®认证考试. 查看验证课程序列网格 ABAI提供.



  1. 获得abai认可的学士学位课程
  2. 在应用行为分析中完成实际的实地工作


  1. 获得本科学位
  2. 完成行为分析课程
  3. 在应用行为分析中完成实际的实地工作


  • 课程总学分16个
  • 100%在线方便学生
  • 只要四个学期就能毕业
  • Three easy enrollment periods each year (fall, spring, and summer)
  • 每周与共同导师举行现场会议
  • ABAI验证课程序列(51229 BCaBA第5版.)


Our four-semester Assistant Behavior Analyst Graduate Certificate meets the instructional requirements for the BCaBA® (董事会认证助理行为分析师® VCS #51229)凭证. 的 BCaBA® credential also requires a bachelor’s degree and 监督现场 experience. 在每个学期, students take four credits with the three-credit course running the first part of the term and the one-credit course running the second.

学期 BCaBA®认证课程序列 (大约4个学期16学分. 16金属氧化物半导体.)) 学分

学期1 BEH5041:概念介绍 & 行为分析原理 3 每小时510美元= 1530美元
BEH5044:行为分析师的道德规范 1 $510/学分小时= $510 
学期2 BEH5043: 测量与实验设计 in Behavior Analysis 3 每小时510美元= 1530美元
BEH5047:评估与干预导论 1 $510/学分小时= $510 
学期3 BEH5048:评估 & 技能获取的行为改变程序 & 性能改进 3 每小时510美元= 1530美元
BEH5050:监督 & 管理基础知识 1 $510/学分小时= $510 
学期4 BEH5049:评估 & 行为减少的行为改变程序 3 每小时510美元= 1530美元
BEH5045:行为分析师职业道德 1 $510/学分小时= $510 

的 university's board of trustees has approved these tuition and fees for the academic year 2024–2025. 学杂费如有更改,恕不另行通知.


We offer multiple start dates to give you flexibility in your education:

  • 春季(1月)
  • 夏季(5月)
  • 秋天(八月)



  • 行为分析原理
  • 行为分析师的道德规范
  • 测量与实验设计
  • 评估及干预
  • 行为改变程序


BACB.com的标志答案是市场性. Applied behavior analysis practitioners know that certification is the key to job growth and security. 的re is a growing need for well-trained board-certified professionals in behavior analysis to work or consult in schools, 早期干预项目, 天计划, 住宅设置, 以及家庭项目. 职业选择几乎是无限的. In fact, from 2010-2020 the demand for BCBAs increased by 4,200%.


From 2010-2020, the demand for BCBAs increased by over 4,200%

We invite you to redefine the trajectory of your career and expand your professional horizons and future opportunities. Begin taking our 阿坝在线 classes today and join us in our mission of making the world a better place by improving the lives of others, 一次一个人.

图表4,200% growth in the number of job postings for 委员会认证行为分析师s from 789 postings in 2010 to 33,996 in 2020


图表数据来自行为分析师认证委员会, 美国对行为分析师的就业需求:2010-2020, © 2021, BACB®
一年 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
职位招聘数目 789 1144 1342 2638 2903 3901 6203 7091 16109 28967 33996

What makes 亚洲博彩平台 stand out among other behavior analysis universities?

国际行为分析协会(ABAI) Verified Course Sequence (VCS) Seal


的 国际行为分析协会(ABAI) has verified this program as meeting the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the 董事会认证助理行为分析师® (VCS #51229) examination. Applicants will need to meet additional requirements before they can be deemed eligible to take the examination.

内容范围及课程BACB Ethics Code and Code-Enforcement System; Professionalism哲学的基础概念 & 原则哲学的基础; 概念 & 原理(仅限BCaBA使用)Measurements, Data Display and Interpretation; Experimental Design行为评估Behavior-Change Procedures; Selecting and Implementing Interventions人事监督管理开始日期:
BCBA(参考) 45 90    45 45 60 30    
BCaBA(参考) 30     45 30 45 60 15    
BEH5041      45           08/24/2020  
BEH5042   45             01/10/2022  
BEH5043         45        01/11/2021  
BEH5044 15               08/24/2019  
BEH5045 15               01/10/2020  
BEH5047           10 5   01/11/2021  
BEH5048           15 30   05/10/2021  
BEH5049           20 25   08/30/2021  
BEH5050               15 01/10/2021  


经过二十年的一流服务, 校园行为分析教育, 何塞Martinez-Diaz, Ph.D., BCBA-D, started 阿坝在线 to provide training worldwide. 阿坝在线 at 亚洲博彩平台 is internationally recognized for its excellence in preparing preservice and practicing behavior analysts. As the largest provider of online behavior analytic coursework, 亚洲博彩平台 阿坝在线 Program consistently prepares students to score well above the BCaBA和BCBA考试成绩全国平均水平.

BACB Exam Pass Rates Thru 2021 - See text chart below if you can not view image.

亚洲博彩平台 69% 67% 71% 79% 74% 81% 81% 76% 74% 74.82% 81%
BACB®平均 57% 57% 62% 70% 65% 65% 62% 62% 66%  61%  49%
BCBA考试合格率  20122013201420152016201720182019202020212022
亚洲博彩平台 70% 66% 68% 76% 71% 74% 78% 75% 76% 74.06% 77%
BACB®平均 58% 58% 60% 65% 66% 65% 65% 63% 66%  60%  55%

What can I do with a master's in behavior analysis practice?


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is both a science and a profession dedicated to addressing every-day human problems and needs by promoting personal independence, 教授个人新技能, and helping reduce destructive habits; it can even be applied to organizational cultures, to increase employee satisfaction while obtaining organizational goals more effectively. Simply stated Behavior Analysis is the science of how learning occurs, and how behavior changes. 当应用于人类状况时, it seeks to produce positive changes in behavior by carefully adjusting aspects of the environment in which those behaviors occur. 每一天, thousands of Board-Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBAs) are helping individuals, 家庭, 社区, and organizations seek their own individual outcomes and reach their own, 认同的目标.


  • 委员会认证行为分析师
  • 董事会认证助理行为分析师
  • 特殊教育教师
  • 人力资源专员
  • 儿童及家庭服务
  • 临床研究员
  • 行为研究员
  • ABA培训协调员
  • 大学/学院的教授
  • 组织行为学管理
  • 注册行为技师®
  • 临床总监/主管
  • 认证自闭症专家(CAS)
  • 学校干预师
  • 生活教练
  • 动物训练及护理
  • 托儿中心的所有者/主任
  • 健康教练
  • 个人健康教练
  • 非营利部门
  • 职业财务行为
  • 动物行为学家
  • 动物园动物驯兽师


  • 自闭症谱系障碍
  • 注意力缺陷多动症
  • 精神健康障碍
  • 老年医学
  • 取证
  • 行为老年学
  • 行为儿科学
  • 健康与健身
  • 行为医学
  • 体育
  • 生活指导
  • 环境/可持续性
  • 育儿
  • 教育/特殊教育
  • 动物训练
  • 外部/内部业务顾问
  • 培训/学习和发展
  • 教学设计
  • 持续改进
  • 组织发展
  • 人力资源