Virtual Event Recordings

Watch recordings of some of our best virtual events!

在这个特殊的时刻,我们继续努力为校友提供有意义的在线节目, 我们一直在举办各种各样的虚拟活动,以帮助支持我们在世界各地的校友基地. 探索我们下面的视频库,并加入我们的直播,以了解未来的在线活动. View our schedule of upcoming events here.

History of Controversial Elections

Dr. Taylor explores early presidential elections (e.g. 1800, 1824, 1860, 1876), which shows that we have had messy elections in the past, as well as the present. As 历史 shapes the present and informs the future, 对以往选举的回顾将为今天发生的事情拉开序幕. An opportunity for discussion follows the lecture.

Climate Tipping Point in the Amazon

Dr. 布什讨论了人类活动是如何影响巨大的亚马逊雨林的. 他的新研究发现,这片宝贵的地区正接近灾难性的生态临界点,可能会被热带稀树草原取代, which is grassland with a few trees, within our lifetime. "Warming alone could induce the tipping point by mid-century, 但是,如果目前对森林破坏视而不见的政策不停止的话, we could reach the tipping point much sooner, " Bush says. "Beyond the loss of wildlife, 失去亚马逊雨林的连锁效应将改变整个半球的降雨量. This is not a remote problem, 但它具有全球重要性,对粮食安全至关重要,我们所有人都应该关注."

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Allyship—午餐 & 学习Lecture

Florida Tech Ph.D. 学生兼讲师杰基·诺托探讨了人们可能拥有的一些特权和偏见,并解释了多样性的原因, inclusion, and equity are important in one's workplace and social circles. She helps us differentiate between access, diversity, inclusion, 平等, 公平,并帮助我们产生一系列可操作的行为,这些行为将帮助我们在社区中成为更好的盟友.

Virtual 午餐 & 学习Lecture: Aerobatic Flight

一个飞行员接受了沮丧的恢复或特技飞行训练,会把他们的技能水平推到正常范围之外. 如果你的飞机偏离正常飞行,最终出现了你可能从未经历过的情况,你将能够恢复你的飞机. 无论你是亚洲博彩平台的毕业生,目前是一名专业飞行员,或者如果你是飞行员的家人或朋友, 这个讲座将教你“你能买到的最便宜的航空保险”:适当的飞行训练.

Virtual 午餐 & 学习Lecture: The History & Evolution of African American Music

在过去的400年里,非裔美国人的文化和生存斗争通过许多不同的音乐流派得到了表达, from folk spirituals, rhythm and blues, 灵魂, 恐慌, and jazz… all the way to the most recent styles of hip-hop and rap. 音乐在非裔美国人争取自由的斗争中发挥了重要作用, equal rights, 和公平——帮助他们获得解放和民权运动——并一直是他们生存的核心. 教授. 哈勒尔将探索这些不同风格的音乐,以及它们如何在建立非裔美国人的词汇中发挥作用, mainly focusing on the latest emerging genres: hip-hop and rap.

The Current State of Coral Reefs

由亚洲博彩平台校友会主办的虚拟午餐和学习讲座. Dr. van Woesik provides a background on coral reef systems, how and why they grow the way they do, symbiotic relationships that exist, as well as their current status in the present climate. 他探索了导致珊瑚礁群落变化的关键过程, the threats we are now seeing, and what work can be done in terms of coral restoration.

Restoration of the Indian River Lagoon

Dr. Hunsucker & Dr. 来自亚洲博彩平台海洋工程与海洋科学系的福克斯介绍了亚洲博彩平台印度河泻湖研究所(IRLRI)的最新进展。. They cover current trends regarding the health of the lagoon, 以及提供IRLRI侧重于泻湖冲洗的项目的具体细节, nutrient reduction, and ecological restoration.

Alumni Impacts Interview Series with Angie Lassman ’12, ’14 M.S.

Angie Lassman, a successful broadcast meteorologist and environmental reporter, speaks about her Florida Tech experience, her career path, what she's passionate about, current challenges in her industry, where she is going next, and much more.

What's Happening at Florida Tech: A Conversation with Dr. Wes Sumner

Dr. 萨姆纳概述了亚洲博彩平台正在进行的一切以及我们未来的目标.

午餐 & 学习讲座:鲨鱼的繁殖,保护和鲨鱼袭击的神话

Dr. Toby Daly-Engel, director of the Shark Conservation Lab at Florida Tech, leads the discussion on why shark reproduction is so dangerous, why you are more likely to get attacked by a vending machine, and what you can do to help protect shark populations.

太空垃圾、机器人和创造可持续的太空经济|午餐 & 学习Lecture

Dr. 马库斯·王尔德是亚洲博彩平台猎户座实验室的副教授和主任. 他曾参加NRC研究助理计划,并在海军研究生院航天器机器人实验室担任博士后. 他的研究重点是自主和远程机器人能力的交会和捕获空间物体.

Converting Waste to Energy and Sustainable Materials |午餐 & 学习Lecture

城市固体废物的有机部分主要含有食物垃圾,对地球来说是一个巨大的经济和环境责任. In this lecture, 将城市生活垃圾的有机部分转化为能源和材料,并介绍个人面临的挑战.

A Look Back At The Origin Of Florida Tech

In celebration of Florida Tech’s 63rd birthday, Dr. Gordon Patterson, the university’s resident historian, shares stories of Florida Tech’s founding and rich 历史.

Zombies vs. Vampires: The Role of the Undead in Popular Culture |午餐 & 学习

Dr. 安吉拉·滕加对僵尸和吸血鬼的大众吸引力进行了比较研究, 深入研究历史因素,研究两种不死生物是如何进化出同样的文化恐惧的——但它们的文化相关性又是如何来自截然不同的来源的. Together, 我们回顾了不同电影中的一些场景来观察他们的形象, cultural significance, similarities, and differences.

Cryptocurrencies & 非功能性测试: The Real Deal Or A Bubble? |午餐 & 学习Lecture

Tim Muth, an instructor in the College of Business at Florida Tech, discusses Bitcoin, Dogecoin, stablecoins, 非功能性测试, 以及近年来备受关注的其他新型金融产品.

Virtual Alumni Lecture on Social Media

在我们的数字时代,没有一个专业人士可以免于管理他们的数字足迹. 我们在网上发布、分享和发布的内容有可能提升或毁掉我们的职业生涯.

A Case Against the Internet of Things

物联网(IoT)设备在我们的家庭中已经变得司空见惯, 将我们与一系列传感器和执行器绑定,以促进我们的互联生活. Digital voice assistants listen for our next command, while Wi-Fi doorbells protect our porches from package thieves. However, these devices introduce security and privacy risks. 在这次演讲中,我们研究了亚洲博彩平台物联网安全的研究 & Privacy Lab to study this risk.


Managing Your Career in the Ongoing COVID Economy

这是一个由职业教练兼校友Paul Cecala提供的虚拟演示,他是1985届的毕业生.

The Emerging Frontier of Astrobiology |午餐 & 学习Lecture

Dr. Manasvi Lingam, will briefly delve into the definition, 历史, and scope of this field, and its rich historical connections with Florida Tech.